Episode 59

Published on:

27th Apr 2020

Blank Page, Author/Worldwide Leader of Human Sex Trafficking,Rosi Orozco

Blank Sheet
In Blank Sheet, Rosi Orozco honestly and passionately portrays the harsh reality of human trafficking; among its pages are its causes, its dimensions, the deep pain of its victims and the way back to recovery. Through the telling of true stories, ten brave survivors gain a voice. Their experiences, together with practical information — the fruit of in-depth research that crosses borders and decades — reveal in full force the nature of this global problem. This is a book to open the eyes and the heart, and thus see and feel what they feel. Not only that, it is a book to open our mouths and become the voice of those who do not have it.
To purchase this book, please go to www.amazon.com
Rosi Orozco, info@comisionunidos.org 
Hoja en blanco, Spanish Translation 
En Hoja en blanco, Rosi Orozco retrata con honestidad y pasión la cruda realidad de la trata de personas; entre sus páginas se encuentran sus causas, sus dimensiones, el profundo dolor de sus víctimas y el camino de vuelta a la recuperación. Por medio del relato de historias reales, diez valientes sobrevivientes cobran voz. Sus experiencias, en conjunto con información práctica —el fruto de una investigación profunda que atraviesa fronteras y décadas— revelan con toda su fuerza la naturaleza de este problema mundial. Este es un libro para abrir los ojos y el corazón, y así ver y sentir lo que ellas y ellos sienten. No solo eso, es un libro para abrir nuestras bocas y convertirnos todos en la voz de aquellos que no la tienen.
Rosi Orozco is an advocate for human rights and an activist against human trafficking. Currently, president of ‘Comisión Unidos vs Trata’ made up of more than 100 non-governmental organizations. In 2005, as a guest for ‘The Concerned Women for America” she participated in a series of conferences in Washington D.C. where she experienced fighting against human trafficking for the first time, here is where she commits to continue fighting this crime. For over a decade, Rosi has launched this battle from several branches: victim reintegration, legislation and prevention. Below, is Rosi's non-profit organization, Comision Unidos Vs Trata. 
We are a coalition of organizations with the purpose of eradicating human trafficking in all its forms, through integral strategies. The members of our administration council are part of prestigious areas of influence such as entrepreneurship, media & communication, politics, public administration & social activism. We collaborate with than 100 NGO’s around the world USA, Canada, Latin America and Europe.
Rosi Orozco, info@comisionunidos.org  


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Faith City Outreach on Global Gospel Worship Radio
Interviews local and global Pastors, Ministers, Musicians, and Authors.
Faith City Outreach (FCO) shares the interviews and testimonies of Christian pastors, authors, musicians, ministers, and global leaders. Marina Maria is the Host of Faith City Outreach and Founder of Global Gospel Worship Radio, https://live365.com/station/Global-Gospel-Worship-Radio-a07494
Listeners can enjoy international Christian music on Global Gospel Worship radio where all the nations praise the Lord. Psalm 117. You can listen to Faith City Outreach M-Sun at 10am & 5pm, MST zone.

Marina Maria
Founder/Radio Host/Missionary/Author
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