Episode 176

Published on:

2nd Mar 2025

Canadian Selah Music Awards, Interview

Our vision at CSMA is to be a leading voice in the Christian music community, fostering a culture where music becomes a powerful tool for sharing the Gospel and inspiring faith. We envision a future where Christian content is celebrated, innovation thrives, and individuals and organizations are empowered to reach their full potential in using music to glorify God and impact the world for Christ.

Create a lasting impact within the Christian community. Our platform is dedicated to honoring excellence, encouraging collaboration, and nurturing the growth of those who dedicate their lives to serving the Lord and sharing the Good News through music.

Show artwork for Faith City Outreach on Global Gospel Worship Radio

About the Podcast

Faith City Outreach on Global Gospel Worship Radio
Interviews local and global Pastors, Ministers, Musicians, and Authors.
Faith City Outreach (FCO) shares the interviews and testimonies of Christian pastors, authors, musicians, ministers, and global leaders. Marina Maria is the Host of Faith City Outreach and Founder of Global Gospel Worship Radio, https://live365.com/station/Global-Gospel-Worship-Radio-a07494
Listeners can enjoy international Christian music on Global Gospel Worship radio where all the nations praise the Lord. Psalm 117. You can listen to Faith City Outreach M-Sun at 10am & 5pm, MST zone.

Marina Maria
Founder/Radio Host/Missionary/Author
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