Judah Montenegro,The Science of Faith book, Faith City Outreach, Radio Interview
J u d a h M o n t e n e g r o is a published author, Aerospace Engineer, public speaker and overall well rounded individual who loves to learn and is constantly looking for ways to be a better follower of Jesus Christ. Judah graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering while remaining plugged in to his local church; he serves as a youth leader, music director, LifeGroup leader, and ordained minister. As an engineer, Judah teaches the Bible in a creative, unconventional, and thought-provoking way. He uses his background in mathematics and science to gift-wrap the truths of the Bible. He effectively engages curious and logical thinkers in a generation driven by information and technology. His mission is to always be a bright light in the world and steer as many people as possible to the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in purchasing the book, The Science of Faith, please go to https://www.judahmon.com/